For over 40 years, her creative work has focused on making dances that use natural, architectural, and cultural environments as points of departure for movement exploration and narrative. Stages have included grain terminals, a clock tower, the pope’s palace, military forts, and a mile of urban neighborhood streets in the South Bronx. Her innovative work involves in-depth research into the history and character of sites, often involving local communities in the creative process, and typically integrates aerial flight and suspension as ways of expanding performers' spatial and dynamic range.
We’d like to thank those involved in making the Zaccho Dance Theatre Performance Archive come to life! It could not have happened without your dedication, hard work, and unwavering support: archivist LisaRuth Elliott, Charlie Formenty, AndrĂ© Berlemont, Kim Euell, Lisa Burger, Rebecca Robinson-Leviton, Lydia Clinton, Lizzy Spicuzza, Lincoln Cushing, Helen Wicks, Fiske Video Productions, Gravity Access Services, and Backstage Library Works.
The Performance Archive was also made possible with generous support from the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Artistic Legacy Grant, National Arts & Disability Center, The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and our amazing community of individual donors!
With Gratitude,
Zaccho Dance Theatre Family