26 Jun 2021

Scarabeus Aerial Theatre


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Emerging Teaser image by Sky Neal
Summer is upon us, pale sunshine, a riot of colours and scents exploding everywhere.  It has been a while since we've touched based with you all, but we haven't been hibernating! It has been an energetic 6 months where we have managed to conjure, dream and bring to fruition a number of projects which we'd love to share with you.
We've been flying through 2021,
come and soar with us...
What bliss being back in the creative space with some amazing artists! We have completed the second phase of our ongoing research and development. It has been an honour to share a safe, caring and immensely inspiring space with our collaborators Naissa Essart Nielsen, Nina DunnBecky NamgaudsSky Neal and Henri T. Combining dance, aerial skills and excerpts from letters written to each other, Naissa and Daniela harness their art to better understand both themselves and each other, as they navigate their relationship and a life-changing process.
We are thrilled to announce our new sessions working in partnership with Gendered Intelligence, delivering a range of aerial and movement workshops for non-binary, trans and gender diverse young people.
We have been creatively navigating covid-19 with Keys Meadow Primary School and are delighted to let you know that a new short film will be produced....a journey through A Child Of Stories. All the young people have worked so hard to create something extra special this year, so keep an eye out on our socials & website on
15 July 2021 to view it – don't forget to save the date!
Our Take Flight participants have been working hard on this new production for over a year! Due to covid-19 a live performance was no longer possible, so everyone rallied together to adapt the work for film. In only a matter of weeks we will be sharing this new film exploring climate change, sustainability and social justice all driven by our young people. Keep an eye on our socials for the release date at the end of July.
Our House Is On Fire is a commission from Jacksons Lane Arts Centre as part of the nationwide Here and Now celebration of culture within communities, led by Future Arts Centres and celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Lottery.
Image by Mark Morreau
It's finally here! We'll be presenting our site responsive aerial performance PowerFlex as part of Quays Culture 2021. Transforming The Lowry to bring audiences on a visual vertical journey Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th August 2021.
Thank you!
We'd like to say a huge thank you to you for continuing to support us over the past year. At these uncertain times your donations are more important than ever. We completely rely on funding and donations to be able to continue the meaningful work that Scarabeus does as a catalyst of positive change and creativity.
We'd particularly like to thank our funders for their flexibility and support: Arts Council England Emergency Response Fund, Cultural Recovery Fund and Project Grants, London Community Response Fund, National Lottery Community Fund, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Mayor of London Young Londoners Fund & John Lyon's Charity... without their support we wouldn't be here telling you about all the incredible things coming up.
Copyright © 2021 Scarabeus Aerial Theatre, All rights reserved.
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Scarabeus Aerial Theatre
129 St. John's Way
LondonN19 3RQ
United Kingdom