The show will include: - A premier of Project AeriALL - a new partnership between Glamputee and Helen Wicks that reimagines accessibility in aerial dance through adaptive rigging, thought partnership, mutual learning and support.
- Run On - an interactive solo dance by Erin Yen which honors her late grandmother Honey, explores diverse perspectives within storytelling, and questions the cyclical ways in which people communicate.
- Radio Vision - A new solo choreographed and performed by Helen Wicks that explores the first visual broadcast (1925) coined as Radiovision. The piece will be accompanied by an original score by Simon Linsteadt that follows influential and under-recognized music composition teacher Nadia Boulanger’s influence on students like Igor Stravinksy, Quincy Jones, Phillip Glass and many others.
- And more!
Tickets Here (It will be small audiences so get your tickets ASAP!)
For more info: This venue is ADA accessible. Space 124 is on the ground floor venue with ramp enterance. There are two enterances/exits to the venue. Windows will be open to support maximum air flow. All gender restrooms on same level as venue. ASL Interpretation is available if requested by July 11. There will not be audio description. This is a chemical scent and fragrance free event. Masking is welcome but not required. Please do not attend if you don't feel well or have symptoms of illness. Pre-show access coordinator Helen Wicks, for inquires: |