6 Dec 2023


The Company - http://laterrateral.be/

LaterrateraL was founded in 2017, thanks to a creative concept conceived by three artists from Belgium, France and Italy, having a common background and experience in circus and aerial arts. 

In 2022, our Company expanded and we started collaborating with a contemporary dancer in order to launch a new project that we created through our research focused on the study of the body. In Summer 2023, a new artist, our 5th member, has joined the group: she is both a musician and a vertical dancer. The company presents its creations through festivals, events and the Street Art Network. LaterrateraL is currently renovating the aesthetic goals of its productions, with the aim of establishing its own creative identity.

The company presents its creations through festivals, events and the Street Art Network. LaterrateraL is currently renovating the aesthetic goals of its productions, with the aim of establishing its own creative identity. 

We are currently working on a new piece, EntreChok, which is set to premiere in Spring 2024. EntreChok a title that leads the exploration of vertical dance towards a more genuine, raw aesthetic of the body, closer to the organicity of movement. In this creation, the company brings forth a new approach to verti- cal dance, drawing inspiration from the energy and rhythm of rock music and percussion. 
EntreChok aims to be an explosive danced quartet that calls upon the strength of the moving body, inviting the audience to connect with the inherent power within us all.

Our first art project, Androjeanspremiered in May 2018 and it was initially based on unique and adaptable performances. Since 2019, our extensive experience has led us to offer vertical dance workshops and training to the general public. In the same year we produced ContreToi, featuring two dancers in a single point, and Au Fil De..., a live music show performed by three dancers and a musician. 

In this creation, the company brings forth a new approach to vertical dance, drawing inspiration from the energy and rhythm of rock music and percussion. EntreChok aims to be an explosive danced quartet that calls upon the strength of the moving body, inviting the audience to connect with the inherent power within us all.

Brushing against walls, dancing between land and air
