17 Jun 2023

Flyaway Productions


Thank you for your support of Flyaway Productions!

June with Flyaway

In this Newsletter:
  • Thank You: Boom Arts and Portland
  • Starting Next Month: GIRLFLY 2023
Thank You:
Boom Arts and Portland!

From the bottom of our hearts we thank Boom Arts for bringing Apparatus of Repair to the public in Portland, Oregon and we thank Restorative Justice activists Cara Walsh, Jessica Katz , Sidney Morgan, Sophia Solano, William Barnes, Simon Fulford, Stephen Fowler, and Morgan Moore for advancing prison systems change, and sharing their work with our audiences. We hope to come back to Portland again and again. 

Starting Next Month:

Artists Jo Kreiter, Megan Lowe, Adrian Arias, Kim Shuck, and intern Lea Thibaut are excited to be teaching GIRLFLY 2023 at Space 124 next month. Free shows of 20 young artists’ dances and visual arts creations will take place July 28th at 5PM and 6:30 PM at Space 124, 401 Alabama St near 17th Street in the Mission, SF. 
See More Info in GIRLFLY!
Photo Credits: 1-5) Jonathan Potter of Jhia Jackson, MaryStarr Hope, Megan Lowe, Alayna Stroud, and Sarhala Vetsch in Apparatus of Repair - Portland 2023; 6a) Photo by Vitali Kononov of GIRLFLY 2019, 6b) Photo by Lydia Daniller of GIRLFLY 2022
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Copyright © 2023 Flyaway Productions, All rights reserved. 

Our mailing address is: 
Flyaway Productions
1068 Bowdoin Street
San FranciscoCA 94134