14 Dec 2022

Gravity & Levity


As a little treat for you, our subscribers, we're giving you a sneak peak of the beautiful film we've just finished making of EADF 2022. Its just over 5 minutes, so grab a cuppa and take a break.

It was a beautiful year at a stunning venue, all in the space together, and we felt very connected to and supported by our international aerial community.

We hope you like it! See you next year friends.

Just in case you missed it and still have some tea left...

Rowan Rock (2020) | Gravity & Levity (4m 12s)

The setting for Rowan Rock is a rock, split in two by a living Rowan tree, in Glenesk, Scotland where Lindsey spent the 1st UK lockdown period.

Rowan Rock stands out in the landscape as a testament to survival and resilience. Being tethered to the rock by a rope in that landscape, was representative of Lindsey's lockdown experience - anchoring to a place of isolation for safety and of being forced to slow down.

We worked with VocalEyes to audio describe the film.

📷  Filmed & Edited by Mark Morreau

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