10 Nov 2021

ANGELS Aerials

…and yet there is always a light.

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ANGELS Aerials company member, Choreographer, Dancer and Vertical Dancer Simone (just recently seen as Marchhare and Queen of Hearts) has created the video dance film ExiT. 

ExiT is a one women film about rotating and exhaustion, a solo at the moment of tipping into the void - a solo of our time.

And ExiT has won a prize. 

At the Experimental Dance Music Festival in Los Angeles and Toronto it was voted BEST FILM!

You can be part of it: 

On November 11, 2021 starting at midnight (EST), all film entries will be streamed for 30 hours  for free! 

And ExiT is available here - check it out!

Simone would be delighted - and we congratulate her with all our heart!

This film was shot at Hafenakademie Köln-Mülheim e.V.. 
We cannot thank the Hafenakademie enough for this incredible place and all the possibilities they keep offering! Check them out as well!