Dear friends and supporters of Blue Lapis Light,
Our next performance, Edge of Grace, is exactly two months away and tickets are already on sale!
We have begun rigging and are eagerly awaiting rehearsals beginning next week!
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Edge of Grace is about exploring spaces between edges, seeking a way to move in and around challenging surfaces. Similar to life, when unexpected and unfamiliar events occur, we find ways to navigate through them seeking spiritual guidance and support.
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Looking for ways to support our upcoming performance? Become a sponsor!
Sponsorships are available for purchase NOW!
Four of the five sponsor levels include seats at the Gala Dinner & performance on Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 6:00pm on the Blue Lapis Light property. As a nonprofit, sponsorships make these shows possible, and all levels of support display sponsors' name/logo on our website and gala poster.