22 Dec 2020

Flyaway Productions


Thank you for your support of Flyaway Productions!
From the Rooftops
"A prison may or may not be humane, but it will always be dehumanizing."
- Jamelle Bouie, New York Times, 1/31/20

Mass incarceration is the lynchpin of American racism and Flyaway is committed to its abolition. With your help we are fighting back by literally shouting from the rooftops.  

Donate to support The Decarceration Trilogy today!
In Solidarity,
Jo Kreiter and Flyaway Productions
Credits: 1 & 3) Photos by Lenka Sluneckova Photography of SonsherĂ©e Giles, Megan Lowe, & Keon Saghari for The Women's Building, 2017; 2) Jo Kreiter in Flat Roof, Steep Hill, 2020
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