12 May 2020

Blue Lapis Light

Photo by Earl McGehee
Dear Blue Lapis Light Family,

This is our last week featuring Edge of Grace which took place on construction scaffolding at our property in south Austin, 2015. 

This performance was unique in that it combined contemporary dancers moving within and around metal surfaces/ladders of the scaffolding, and aerialists who performed with duets on ropes and the corde de lisse.

Enjoy Edge of Grace with you and your loved ones. We dedicate this showing to nurses, doctors, hospital staff and technicians, front liners, truck drivers, grocery staff and to those helping neighbors, friends, the elderly and the homeless. 

In exchange for a donation of $25 or more, we will send you a link to view this production from the comfort of your home.

My deepest gratitude,
Sally pic & sig
Sally Jacques
Artistic Director
To view video snippets and more beautiful photos capturing this performance, we invite you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram
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Blue Lapis Light is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.