25 Mar 2019


D-days-60 before our European event Vertical Dance KIT and the 30th birthday of Retouramont !
For the first time ever in France, the whole international Vertical Dance community but also professionals and institutions involved in the development of Vertical Dance - dance, circus, architecture, philosophy - will be gathered during a one week program.

The opportunity to share also with you the Premiere of our new production Diagonales Ascendantes!

The Vertical Dance KIT 

- European event - May 13 to 19 - Paris 13 and Val-de-Marne

As part of the VDF - Vertical Dance Forum, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. The event includes practical training and vertical dance workshops, panel discussions to reflect on the potentials of Vertical Dance as urban art, street acts and live performances - in partnership with la Coopérative De Rue et De Cirque (2r2c), La Bibliothèque nationale de France, La Briqueterie, Artcena as ressources-partner.

Diagonales Ascendantes
- New production -  Premiere May 17th - BnF Paris 13

After 2 weeks on the walls of the University Paris 13, we are on the way to Roubaix with the support of Ballet du Nord - CCN de Roubaix and then in another place in Paris, Les Grands Voisins, an old Hospital in redevelopment.
The iconic site of BnF, Bibliothèque nationale de France will highlight all the perspectives and depth games of this duet. A dizzy Premiere on the towers of this great building in Paris  !

New Teaser #2

Verticale de Poche #1

- New production - Premiere in July 2019

How to share vertical dance with the audience in a completely different point of view ?
Seated on a small pillow, the audience will overhang the vertical dancers suspended on 2,10 mter high poles.
This performance takes to the floor what is usally seen on high walls. This makes the audience closest to the "gravity miracle"
Indoor or outdoor - 30 min show followed by 1h of workshop - 2 dancers - for young audience



Centre national des arts du cirque, de la rue et du théâtre is supporting the event “Vertical Dance KIT”.
As a communication partner of the event, it also promotes it by producing digital resources and creating multimedia files from documentation on conferences, artists and aesthetics.

ARTCENA TV - Artist background (FR only)  Interview with Fabrice Guillot

Tour Dates

Wednesday 27 March
St(a)ir me-up at Villetaneuse (93), in partnership with Université Paris 13

Wednesday 3 April
Workshop Dance and Architecture ,Villetaneuse (93), square Carnot
Friday 12 April
St(a)ir me-up at Université Paris 13, campus of Bobigny (93)
Saturday 13 April
St(a)ir me-up as part as Festival d’architecture, at CAUE Créteil (94)
From 15 April to 2 May
Artistic residency Diagonales Ascendantes at Ballet du Nord – CCN de Roubaix and at Grands Voisins
Friday 17 May
Premiere of Diagonales Ascendantes as part of La Danse Verticale en KIT, at Festival TempsDanse

Saturday 8 June
Diagonales Ascendantes at Festival Regard Neuf 3, at Bagnolet (93)

Saturday 13 July
Diagonales Ascendantes at Villetaneuse (93)

7 and 8 September
Les Ondes Gravitationnelles, Oriente occidente (Italy)
Complete Tour Dates here
Compagnie Retouramont
197 rue de Paris - 94220 Charenton-Le-Pont
+33 1 43 96 95 54

Tour manager - production and VDF, contact Lucie Jacquot or Erwan Verney
Pôle de danse verticale, contact Sarah Bruat