CounterPulse presents ARC Edge 2024 featuring Diana Lara and gizeh muñiz venge
June 6-8 & 13-15, 2024 Thu/Fri at 8pm| Sat. at 2pm
CounterPulse 80 Turk St, San Francisco CounterPulse’s 2024 Edge program presents Sap Flow: Embodied Connection with Ancestry and Nature by Diana Lara and auiga by gizeh muñiz vengel. Savia~Sap flow: Embodied Connection with Ancestry and Nature explores the sap flow in trees as a metaphorical representation of the interconnectedness between human fluids, nature, and ancestral heritage. By embodying the qualities of these fluids, the artists intend to establish a direct connection with their Lenca indigenous ancestors. auiga is a poem that contains us to daydream together.