17 Nov 2023

Cie Retouramont



Cie Retouramont - A monumental september

From Mont-Saint-Michel to RueWATT


Cie Retouramont ©EPMSM-Pascal Biomez 2023

Courant Ascensionnels - In situ creation for Mont-Saint-Michel

15th and 16th of Septembre 2023


Cie Retouramont ©EPMSM-Pascal Biomez 2023

A huge writing challenge, how to inhabit this space from the spire to the strike for an audience that contemplates the Mount in its entirety?

The documentary : 


The show :


Réalisation : Jérémy Blahay

A show commissioned by the EPIC of the Mont-Saint-Michel as part of the Millennium of the Abbey Church, the 40th European Heritage Days and the Olympiade Culturelle (Paris 2024).

L'Angle Disparu 

Premiere on September 2, 2023 at RueWATT (2R2C, Paris)

In this solo, Cybille Soulier blurs the boundary between floor and wall. Her dance merges horizontal and vertical space.


L'Angle Disparu ©Stéphane Bluzat 2023


Réalisation : Patricia Ouvry 

Partners: la Coopérative de Rue et de Cirque (2R2C), le Centre Culturel Le Chaplin, the town of Bonneuil-sur-Marne, social landlords CDC Habitat and Valophis and le Pôle de Danse Verticale.