1 Dec 2021

Flyaway Productions


Thank you for your support of Flyaway Productions!
Decarceration One Dance at a Time
In 2022 we are activating deep conversations about prison systems change on a national scale. 

The culminating work in our trilogy, APPARATUS OF REPAIR, will premiere in San Francisco, then tour nationwide. Led by and engaging people directly impacted by incarceration, REPAIR brings focus to the concept of restorative justice—a process that causes less damage and holds more hope than the current criminal legal system.

REPAIR is a multidimensional approach to prison abolition. Flyaway is creating restorative justice circles rooted in safety, compassion, and honesty. We are bringing survivors of harm and people responsible for harm into shared space. These circles will become a springboard for an arts driven investment in alternatives to caging and prisons. The project is survivor centered, exploring the complex territory of accountability for violence. Choreography will invoke physical risk via the body in flight, and as a metaphor for risking new ways to think about justice. 
Donate to Support Our Work
Check out excerpts of Meet Us Quickly with Your Mercy, Part 2 of The Decarceration Trilogy, which premiered in October 2021.
Coming up in 2022:
  • San Francisco premiere and U.S. tour of APPARATUS OF REPAIR sparking dialogue in four cities and working toward ending the dehumanization of incarcerated people that is racially driven, and that fails to create safety for all.
  • In New York, the dancers, Sing Sing Prison residents, and I will gather in the prison chapel to invoke the wisdom of those currently serving life sentences, as they are the true experts on how to effectively transform harm.  
  • Our partners are Community Works (Oakland), Bethany Arts Community and Hudson Link for Higher Education (Ossining), The Broadstage (Los Angeles), Hudson Hall (Hudson, NY), and UC Hastings School of Law (San Francisco).
Join us to advance this conversation, one dance at a time! 
Media Credits: 1) Austin Forbord of Laura Elaine Ellis and Clarissa Dyas; 2) RAPT Productions of Clarissa Dyas, Laura Elaine Ellis, Helen Wicks, Bianca Cabrera, Maddy Lawder, Sandia Sexton, & Megan Lowe inMeet Us Quickly with Your Mercy, 2021
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