1 Nov 2020

Aeriosa Dance Society



Dancing with Distance
On October 28th, Aeriosa Artistic Director Julia Taffe led a workshop for activists hosted by Clayoquot Action at North Chesterman Beach in Tofino.

The foundational movement techniques explored in the workshop included flocking; how to use proprioception and body awareness to move like animals in nature, without speaking or massive effort of coordination.
Moving as a flock is not just visually pleasing, it also maximizes efficiency through space usage, energy output and shared leadership.

This was a fun and playful workshop starting with basic shapes and formations that grew in complexity, then moved through space. These skills are transferrable to everyday activities in life, especially in these times of social distancing. 

Clayoquot Action and Julia Taffe are hoping to host additional workshops, and develop a practice group for local activists in early 2021. If you are interested, follow Clayoquot Action on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/2788278494826854/,
or send a message to their website here: https://clayoquotaction.org
Aeriosa Launches New Website 
Interview with 
Website Designer Senem Soy
How did you first get connected to Aeriosa as a web designer?
I found out about Aeriosa when I was still working in the Rope Access Industry. Last winter, I was looking to do a career transition from Rope Access to Web Development and had initially contacted Aeriosa for another job posting! After talking with Julia for a while, we decided I would take over the Tofino Tree Festival Website project. After the Tofino Tree Festival website was completed, I starting working on the Aeriosa website next! 

What was the vision for this new website?  
The vision for this new website was to represent Aeriosa’s artistic vision and direction as best as possible ~ to show how Aeriosa is creating dance in unusual ways, in unexpected places. The website is a record of Aeriosa’s history, but also Aeriosa’s present and future.

What were the steps you took in redesigning the website?
We started by looking at the current website, what information we want to keep, add and subtract. Fredy Mendoza’s new branding package proved to be a great starting point. I wanted to create a more dynamic website, one that evokes a sense of movement and different landscapes. It was a really fun process, designing and creating a component of the website, then discussing with Aeriosa how it was and wasn’t working, and improving it. It was a very collaborative process that I enjoyed deeply.

What have been the most challenging aspects for you?
There are so many incredible images of Aeriosa’s performances, I’d say the most challenging part has been trying to pick the best ones for the website.

What are some of the new things you’ve learned?
I learned so much about Aeriosa! Also, I had never worked with Wordpress this extensively and I’m really glad to have had the chance to dive deeper into it.

How long have you been working on this?
I started working on the Aeriosa website in the spring. It has evolved so much from the initial starting point and vision and I can’t wait to share the completed work with everyone else. The former website will be up for a few more days so check back in early November to see the new website!
Featured Feathered Friend
The Canada Goose (Branta Canadensis)
Aeriosa's work is often nature-centered. When dancing in the trees we regularly encounter other species. This column is dedicated to learning about our friends in flight.


Wanted: for producing vast quantities of excrement in parks, golf courses, agricultural fields and airports.
Suspect Description
Length: 35" in Length
Wingspan: 55" Wingspan
Eye Colour: Black
Determining features: Unusually long black neck, sleek long black bill and distinct white cheeks

This gander was last seen wearing a dappled white and light brown feathered coat and webbed shoes. The bird appears to have an appetite for expansive well-manicured lawns. Goose Gaggles of 20 - 100 goslings + parents have been forming and territorial wars have been on the rise. Some neighbours have expressed concern about increasing honking and hissing noise levels. Authorities believe these gaggles congregate in open fields to conduct their business, because maintaining unobstructed views of approaching predators is part of their "wild goose chase" exit strategy.  

These geese have repeatedly been seen flying south in the winter in large V formations. If anyone has further information or reportings, please call the 'Birds of a Feather' Hotline.
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Aeriosa Dance Society
25-717 West 8th Ave
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1C9