When I conceived of my next work, The Credibility Project, little did I know that this project would speak directly to the heart of our current political turmoil.
Two years ago, I sat in the library and opened Harper’s Magazine (Oct. 2014). There I found an article Rebecca Solnit wrote called “Cassandra Among the Creeps,” which presented a historic and contemporary lens on women and credibility. Solnit’s article touched a nerve.
The article reminded me of an anti-abortion protestor who parks his truck in front of Planned Parenthood on Valencia Street in the Mission. I’ve seen him there for years. His signs are filled with hateful messages and graphic images of unborn babies. This display of misinformation makes me furious. Here is another example of someone telling women what is good for their own bodies.
My response is The Credibility Project, to premiere May 2017. When I searched online for “women and credibility”, Google delivered images of “purses and pornography.” I laughed, cried and chose to cook up a block-long, evening length dance to counter these images. We are working with UC Hastings and its Center for Work Life Law, with Z Space, with Oakland-based composers MADLINES and XOA, photojournalist Lynn Johnson (National Geographic, LIFE), and Flyaway’s amazing artistic team. I look forward to creating this project in public space, where our laws, institutions and cultural assumptions actually affect us.
Please help us reframe the conversation! Your support will be used to pay for the artists’ fees, the rigging, the insurance and all the magic that goes on behind the scenes, so we can deliver inspired art in public space, for free. Thank you, in advance, for your contribution towards this ambitious project.
Warmly, Jo Kreiter