30 Dec 2015



BANDALOOP at UC Berkeley | Photo: Basil Tsimoyianis
UC Berkeley | Photo: Basil Tsimoyianis

We Need Your Support!

Dear Friends,

As the holidays wrap up and we prepare for our January performance in Mumbai, we want to remind you that now is the time to make your 2015 tax-deductible donation to BANDALOOP!
We are so grateful for your support.

Just announced: Assistant Artistic Director Melecio Estrella

Introducing Our New Assistant Artistic Director

We are elated to announce the appointment of longtime BANDALOOP dancer Melecio Estrella as Assistant Artistic Director effective January 1, 2016! Please join us in welcoming our incredible dancer and Education Coordinator to his well-deserved new role within our company.
Estrella is a vocalist, movement artist and director born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. He found his way into the worlds of dance and performance through his pursuit of contact improvisation. Estrella has performed in the Bay Area with The San Francisco Opera, Scott Wells, Lizz Roman, Rachael Lincoln, Faye Driscoll, Jesse Hewitt, Erika Shuch and Frieda Kipar. He is a longtime member of the Joe Good Performance Group and Co-Director of Fog Beast. Estrella has gratefully adventured with BANDALOOP since 2003.

Join us for auditions to join BANDALOOP in the 2016 season!

February 20, 2016 2:00-4:30PM
1601 18th Street at Peralta
Oakland, CA 94607

To apply, please send your resume, photo, and link to video to krystal@bandaloop.org by January 20 with AUDITION in the subject. Qualified applicants will be invited to the studio audition on February 20.
Warmest wishes for a new year filled with joy and inspiration.
Amelia Rudolph and the BANDALOOP dancers, staff, and board of directors