FAR VUOTO di/by Wanda Moretti
feat Marco Castelli sax
in parete/wall dancer Simona Forlani
costume/costumes by Micaela Leonardi
in collaborazione/collaboration with il Comando Provinciale dei Vigili del Fuoco di Venezia
produzione/production Il Posto Danza Verticale 2012, Forte Marghera,
Corpo Nazionale Vigili del Fuoco
I remember we talked about compassion for women, not a feeling of pain that goes from top to bottom.
a feeling of unconditional love for which we cannot ask for anything in return
the vertical plane as a possibility of returning to earth as an angel.
A concrete and real emergency plan in this historic moment.
It is immediately clear to me that the body should be brought. welcomed and accompanied.
I remember thinking of rescue maneuvers on the wall.
the creature continues to move down.
a breath of life doesn't leave she, as my mother
and then the dress. I wanted something that could fall. as the plaster from the walls
represents for me all houses around the world. the land holding tight in her hand, her own house.
I remember a pattern, the same throughout the descent, Marco's sax sounds a theme that stubbornly repeats itself.
often compassion that is associated with something that's more of tenderness.
Compassion is not a simple feeling, it involves pain, patience and endurance, suffering in compassion.
Wanda Moretti